NEWS - Monday, October 22, 2018
EA Dice Has Some Bonus Items for Fans When Battlefield V Launches
This is for all the Battlefield fans out there. In celebration of Battlefield V Early Access launching in a few short weeks and in honor of the game’s original launch date, EA DICE has a few things lined up as a gift to fans.
Along with this announcement, is the latest Devloper video (seen below - 13 1/2 minutse long). In the video, UX Designer Nathalie Ek interviews Senior Audio Director, Bence Pajor and Lead Sound Designer, Andreas Almstrom about the unconventional ways the team recorded audio to make the loud sound of the V1 rocket penetrate more clearly than ever. In addition, you can see various other clips of DICE recording their lifelike sounds, by detonating an explosive in a pond, firing off rounds in a field and more. T
To reward fans for their patience leading up to the launch of Battlefield V, GM of EA DICE Oskar Gabrielson posted a personal video to his social media accounts thanking fans and revealing a special set of items available for players.
With the OSCAR MIKE GIFT, (the name taken from military radio jargon used on the front lines, which translates to “On the Move”) any player who logs into the game within the first week of release will find the following bonus items in their shipments when they visit the Armory:
- OSCAR MIKE HELMET – Headgear for the Allied faction that players will be able to equip on any of their Allied soldiers
- OSCAR MIKE EMBLEM – A collectable emblem that players can equip and then show up on their Company Tanks, Planes and Weapons during gameplay
So there you have it, something to receive for the patience you Battlefield fans have had.
Source: Press Release/YouTube