NEWS - Monday, August 27, 2018

Cyperpunk 2077 Finally Gets Public Gameplay Demo
It started off with a weird countdown and coding message on twitter and their website, but CD Projekt Red finally let the cat outta da hat as they unveiled a whole 48 minutes of gameplay footage for fans to watch. From all the talk in the interwebz, it seems that it was the same demo that was being shown to people at E3.
But wait, there is more. The games director had a few things to say too:
“What we’re releasing today was recorded from a game deep in development.”, said aAdam Badowski, Cyberpunk 2077 Game Director and CD PROJEKT RED Head of Studio. “Since many of the assets and mechanics in the current version of Cyberpunk 2077 are most likely to be modified, we initially decided to show this gameplay only to media. Elements like gunplay (both in terms of visuals and how RPG stats influence it), netrunning, car physics, or the game’s UI — everything’s pretty much still in the playtest phase and we felt uneasy about publicly committing to any particular design. Animation glitches, work-in-progress character facial expressions, early versions of locations — all this made us hesitant to release what you’re about to see.”
So, without further delay, feel free to check out the 48 minute gameplay demo:
Source: Press Release/YouTube