NEWS - Friday, October 26, 2001

Genma Onimusha Update
The Xbox version of Onimusha is an updated version of Onimusha Warlords for the PlayStation2, and will feature new levels, characters, and costumes, 5.1 Dolby Digital support, along with gameplay enhancements (that includes the audio and visual aspects), are all planned for Genma Onimusha. By taking advantage of the Xboxs raw power, more characters can appear onscreen simultaneously and in new areas. A burst attack, which can be used to perform a charged-up super attack on oppenents, is also included. And as reported previously, players will have to fight demons to take control of freed soulds. To find out more on the Genma Onimusha update, click here.Source:,10870,2820549,00.html