NEWS - Friday, October 19, 2001

Max Payne Screenshots and Movies!
Well, heres a game that can give you a reason to buy a Xbox upon its launch in just a less than a month away. Thats right, Max Payne, the same game that has been accreditted for being the best selling PC game in all of time, the same game from Remedy Entertainment and Rockstar Games, is coming to Xbox and weve ten screenshots of the Xbox version to show you.
X01 saw a 99 percent complete incarnation of Max Payne on Xbox hardware, and damn its impressive. But wait, Max Payne isnt about entering and leaving with only ten screenshots to show its audience, there are also ten movies. TEN MOVIES! Yes thats right, you read it right, ten movies. Just click click BOOM! and see what the 99 percent complete best selling PC game looks like on the Xbox. By the way, have you guys seen the new Taco Bell commercial? They Xbox looks so awesome in it, its big, but its awesome.