NEWS - Friday, October 19, 2001

Amped Fan Site Kit
WANT TO BUILD A TIGHT SITE? - AMPED FAN SITE KIT NOW AVAILABLEMicrosoft today announced that the official Fan Site Kit (FSK) for Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding is now available at The Amped FSK contains a variety of screenshots, sound effects, logos, Flash animations, and other art to help you build a killer Amped fan site.
Rip the ultimate line on real mountains packed with 1500 jumps and rails in Amped, the first snowboarding game focused on freestyle riding. Pull over 1000 tricks on 80 wide-open mountain runs for a different ride every time. Land insane tricks in front of roaming camera crews to get your face on video reels and magazine covers. Get enough media exposure to become one of the world’s top 10 snowboarding superstars. And do it all to the music of over 200 core indie tracks.