NEWS - Tuesday, October 2, 2001

Check the Sega Jet Set Radio Contest...Thats right you badass artists, this is your chance to show the world your skillz and get your art in a game for all time! If your piece captures the eye of the hipsters at Smilebit, your submission may appear as graffiti art in JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future. How cool is that?Smilebit, one of Segas premiere game developers, is taking submissions directly. They are looking for edgy, cool graffiti art that doesnt include the title of the game, as it will be in the game background.
To enter, you must follow the strict guidelines for sending your art. They will only accept files in PSD, TGA, BMP format. They also have special requirements for transparent configurations. Art that doesnt meet these requirements wont be accepted, and that would suck. So, read it over carefully.
Your e-mail will serve as your entry form. Along with your art, theyll need your:
Name home address e-mail address phone number date of birth All art must be received by October 16, 2001. One entry per person. Please read over the rules and get your answers in the Jet Set Radio Future: Contest FAQ.