NEWS - Monday, November 4, 2013

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes releasing in Spring 2014, gets priced
The relationship between Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and MGS V: The Phantom Painhas been a little hazy at times, but if you were still confused, today Konami has made it all crystal clear. Ground Zeroes is a separate game, a budget-priced prologue which will be released in spring 2014.
Ground Zeroes is the one with the prison break, if you’re hazy on that too. It takes place one year after Peace Walker, in 1975, and nine years before The Phantom Pain kicks off in 1984.
"The advanced capabilities of the Fox Engine have allowed me to tell the new story in a new way. There will be a significant difference in what Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain brings to the series, so we want to ease players into the new open world environment and its potential," series creator Hideo Kojima said in today’s announcement. "As such, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes has been designed to introduce key elements, allowing them to fully benefit from all that the new game will offer."
On Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 it’ll be released in a box for $29.99 and via download at $19.99. It’s only downloadable on Xbox One and PS4, but it’ll cost you $29.99.