NEWS - Sunday, September 23, 2001

Project Gotham Racing News...
Bizarre Creations has made an announcement about what will happen with the World Trade Center in the New York circuits of their racing game, Project Gotham Racing:"Everyone at Bizarre Creations is horrified and upset by the tragedies, and we all offer our sympathies to the victims and their families and friends, and those who have been caught up in these horrific events. Our thoughts also go out to the brave rescue teams who are helping in the aftermath.
We are obviously giving a lot of thought as to the best way to deal with the issue of the NYC circuits in Project Gotham Racing. There are actually no circuits that pass next to the World Trade Centre area, although the twin towers can be seen in the distance in one area. Microsoft US are currently getting feedback in order to work with us to make the right decision as to what to do.
Whatever is decided in terms of content, you can be sure that we will not take any decisions lightly, and not let this tragedy be overlooked without appropriate consideration to all those who have unfortunately been involved."
More information should be released soon so make sure you check back every now and then.