NEWS - Friday, September 20, 2013

Kojima: MGS V will revisit torture, but it won't be playable this time
A torture scene from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain will exist only as a cutscene, not a playable part of the game, said director Hideo Kojima in an interview with Eurogamer.
"I didnt want to go as far as having playable torture," said Kojima. "The part of Metal Gear Solid 5 that has torture is non-playable."
When asked if such scenes are necessary in games, Kojima responded in the affirmative, saying that in the case of The Phantom Pain, the torture cutscene is emotionally important for the story hes trying to tell.
"If the violence will give new emotions that are important to the game, I want to put it in there, especially with this game where one of the main topics is revenge," Kojima explained. "I dont want to walk around that."
Kojima also pointed out that torture isnt new to Metal Gear Solid games — in the 1998 PlayStation original, Solid Snake is tortured by Revolver Ocelot.
"So far the players been tortured by Ocelot so much that Im thinking that I might be the one that introduced torture to games," he joked. "So Im sorry about that!"
You can see the Metal Gear Solid 5 torture scene, which features the mute, bikini-clad sniper Quiet, in the games extended E3 trailer below.