NEWS - Thursday, March 28, 2013

(RUMOR) - David Hayter not voicing Snake in MGS 5
One thing you should have noticed in the todays trailer for Metal Gear Solid 5is the supposed voice work of Kiefer Sutherland. Sutherland is most certainly not David Hayter, previous voice talent for Big Boss and Solid Snake since the series humble beginnings on PlayStation, whos indicated he wont be reprising a starring role.
"Well look, at least I had a good run," Hayter tweeted today, likely after seeing the news himself. He also replied "nope" to another Twitter user, who inquired if Hayter was asked to reprise his roles as voice actor. Snake losing his voice is quite a phantom pain in itself, except for the whole Kiefer Sutherland part.
Update: To clarify, the supposed voice of Sutherland can be heard from the bandaged man that is guiding Snake in the trailer, not Snake himself. Presumably, another voice actor has replaced Hayter.