NEWS - Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain separate?
In typical Kojima fashion, Metal Gear Solid 5 was shown off, separately, as three different things: Ground Zeroes, an open-world game about a rescue mission;The Phantom Pain, about a recovering amputee under attack, and finally, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. In a tweet (or, technically, a Twitlonger post) following the panel, Hideo Kojima cleared up the relationship between all these seemingly different properties.
"Ground Zeroes is a prologue of MGSV," Kojima said. "9 years after that event will be The Phantom Pain." Metal Gear Solid 5 comprises these two parts, much like Metal Gear Solid 2 opened with the Tanker chapter, then moved onto the Plant portion starring Raiden. "The game play demo I presented today is the opening of [The Phantom Pain] which is tutorial that starts from crawling." [Update: Contrary to what Kojima said during the GDC panel today, Konami has confirmed with Joystiq that Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain are indeed separate games.]
Wow, what is this feeling? Is it ... understanding a Metal Gear game?