NEWS - Wednesday, September 5, 2001

Odd Updates
Some new updates have happened in the world of Odd. The Q&A section over at, tentively known as Alfs Rehab & Tea, has been updated with good fan based questions regarding all that is Odd. Also added: A new Fan of the Month, Dear Alf, new images, additional fan sites and Fan Art. Fan of the Month is forum member, Justin (known as Pilot on the forums) who recently visited OWI studios and played Munchs Oddysee on the Xbox! Be sure to drop a click right here and check out the goods. Below is one of the better questions asked to Alf.. funny stuff.
Q: Is it at all possible that Munchs Oddysee will be reformatted for the GameCube?Alf: Its probably equally possible that Mario will be ported for the XBox. Its also equally possible that Ill become a responsible socialdrinker. But I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.