NEWS - Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Elder Scrolls V May Feature Completely New Engine
Bethesda revealed the newest entry in the Elder Scrolls series over the weekend; and while many of the details remain under wraps, it does look like itll have quite a lot of new tech under the hood.
Bethesda community manager Nick Breckon recently tweeted that Skyrim will be using an "all-new" engine.
"Its a new graphics/gameplay engine built internally. Well have more details down the road," he said.
However, its not clear whether Bethesda built a new engine from the ground up, or if they heavily revamped the existing Gamebroy engine that was used in Oblivion and Fallout 3. Eurogamer cites an August interview with designer Todd Howard suggesting that it may be the latter.
"Fallout 3 technically does a lot more than Oblivion. The new stuff is an even bigger jump from that," Howard said. "I can say it is on the existing platforms, which were really happy with. You almost feel like you have a new console when you see the game."
Bethesda has not announced what the new engines name might be. Howard did say however that theyve been working on the technology behind it for "many years."
With Skyrim launching next year on the Xbox 360, expect many more details soon.