NEWS - Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fable 3 Dog Outfit DLC isn’t what you think
Quick! Snap judgment: When you hear the term "dog outfit" with regard to Fable 3 -- a game widely known for its canine companion -- what do you think of? Perhaps an adorable little garment for your adorable best friend? Something gaudy and ostentatious -- you know, like horse armor?
That’s a pretty logical guess, but keep in mind that we’re talking about a series where lovers gravitate to the hero who farts the best. Logic isn’t really Fable 3’s strong suit -- as evidenced by the fact that the game’s first premium DLC, the "Dog Outfit," is actually a costume worn by the player.
The getup will run you 160 Microsoft Points ($2), but that price should be justified by the strange looks your pet will give you when he sees you dressed as a giant version of himself. Not to mention the strange looks we will give you, because, hey dude, you just bought a dog costume.