NEWS - Monday, October 18, 2010

Fable Series Not a Trilogy, Says Molyneux
Trilogies are becoming more stylish in game development circles. It gives teams a chance to experiment in the first game, refine in the second, and go out on a high note in the third. So when we hear about the third game in a series, like say Fable 3, our natural assumption is that it will close out the series, or at least the current story arc. But not so, says Fable mastermind and Lionhead founder Peter Molyneux.
Speaking to Gamerzines, Molyneux distanced his upcoming game from the T-word. "Forget about the word trilogy. I hate limiting ourselves to a trilogy," he said. "I want you to feel that youre on a journey in Fable, and Im not going to tell you what happens at the end of Fable III but I dont think youll feel in any way that youve reached the end of a trilogy."
This doesnt mean that a fourth Fable game is already in the works, or even that one will necessarily happen. It does, however, mean that Molyneux is rejecting the notion of definitively closing the book on his series with this installment. The individual plots of Fable games have always left some loose threads dangling, and Fable 3 will apparently be no exception.