NEWS - Friday, September 24, 2010

DiRT 3 will have F1 2010 weather system
DiRT 3 will shared features with Codemasters other racer F1 2010, specifically the in-depth weather system, Stuart Hood believes.
Since both Codies games use the same Ego Engine, the lead designer, along with senior producer Paul Jeal discussed what the third DiRT might nab from their game.
"I think theyll use the weather system, absolutely. Theyre two very different games, but I think the underlying tech..." pondered Hood in an interview with CVG.
"They could take the physics, Im not too sure they will because we tried to build it around a Formula 1 car."
"Theyre certainly taking the weather system. If they have pit-stops in DiRT theyll have that as well," he added.
Paul Jeal chipped in with a few of the finer F1 details that DiRT 3 could utilise.
"Theres quite a few memory savings and stuff that makes things go slightly quicker."
"So its not just headline features its, Weve saved you some RAM here, weve done this in a more efficient way," he said.
"So I mean I think like Steve was saying, youve kind of got one and half development teams because you know therell be some features we can port across."
"The good thing about Ego is its so modular and the good thing about us being two completely different studios is we can say, you know, we dont want that bit but we love this bit. You just kind of factor those things in."