NEWS - Monday, September 20, 2010

Fable 3 Achievements detailed
Players are awarded Achievements for everything from collecting rare books to dressing like a hippie.
Heres the full list from XB360A:
The Guild Seal
Unleash your heroic potential.
And So It Begins
Win the support of the Dwellers.
Swift Justice
Win the support of the Swift Brigade.
The Resistance
Win the support of Bowerstone.
Distant Friends
Win the support of Aurora.
The Ruler of Albion
Become the ruler of Albion.
For Albion!
This is where you *spoiler* the great, big *spoiler* and then it all *spoiler*.
Save The Princess!
Rescue the princess from the evil Baron.
Ghost Brothers
Make sure Max and Sam get home in time for tea.
Help the celebrated thespians Lambert and Pinch put on the worlds greatest play.
The Dark Sanctum
Reinstate an ancient, evil temple.
Island Paradise
Establish the island of Driftwood.
Knight Jumps Chesty
Defeat Chesty at his own game.
Coronation Chicken
Perform a royal judgement while dressed as a chicken.
Combine two gauntlets to cast a "woven" spell.
Cast all 15 possible spell combinations.
Total Warrior
Kill enemies with melee, ranged and spell attacks.
Send an enemy flying into the air and kill him while hes airborne.
Gunning For Glory
Kill 500 enemies using firearms.
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It
Kill 500 enemies using melee weapons.
Wizards Revenge
Kill 500 enemies using magic.
Super Hero
Fully upgrade your Melee, Ranged, and Magic abilities on the Road to Rule.
You Cant Bring Me Down
Complete Fable III without being knocked out in combat.
My Weapons Better Than Yours
Complete 3 unique upgrades on one of the legendary weapons found around Albion.
I Am The Keymaster
Collect all 50 Silver Keys and 4 Gold Keys.
Flower Power
Collect all 30 Auroran flowers.
Gnome Invasion
Destroy all 50 gnomes.
Brightwall Book Club
Collect all 30 rare books for the Brightwall Academy.
Dig up 50 items.
We Need Guns, Lots Of Guns
Collect all 50 legendary weapons. They wont all appear in your world, so trade with other Heroes!
Fashion Victim
Collect every item of clothing.
Hes a Woman. Shes a Man
Wear a full set of clothing intended for the opposite sex.
Dye Hippie, Dye
Dye each part of an outfit youre wearing a different colour and have long hair.
Hand in Hand
Hold hands with someone.
Long Distance Relationship
Get married to another Xbox LIVE player.
Cross-Dimensional Conception
Have a child with another Xbox LIVE player.
Online Merger
Enter into a business partnership with another Xbox LIVE player.
Barrel of Laughs
Kill 30 enemies with explosive barrels.
We Can Be Heroes
Earn 1,000 gold in henchman wages in another Heros world.
Score 2000 on the Mourningwood Fort mortar game.
Lute Hero Tour
Play in each town as a 5 star lute player.
Touched By A Hero
Use touch expressions to interact with 20 different people.
Popularity Contest
Make 20 Friends.
Remodel 5 different houses by changing the furniture.
Magnate Personality
Build a property empire worth 2,000,000 gold.
Crime Spree
Get a 15,000 gold bounty placed on your head.
Henry VIII
As ruler of Albion, get married 6 times and kill 2 of your spouses.
Chest Grandmaster
Unlock all of the chests on the Road To Rule.
Tough Love
Save the maximum amount of Albion citizens.
Adopt Or Die
Adopt a child.