NEWS - Sunday, September 19, 2010

Devil May Cry creator not impressed with DMC
DMC was announced at TGS with a new developer (Ninja Theory) and a new look. To say both moves have been polarising would be something of an understatement.
To make Capcoms damage control measures harder, the original Devil May Cry creator and Bayonetta chief, Hideki Kayima is now wading in via Twitter.
Kamiya replyied to a I miss the Dante you made tweet with, "I miss him, too..." and later said, "Ive been sad since Dante left me."
When asked by a Twitter follower "DmC by Ninja Theory? Do you think they will evolve the action game from your Bayonetta standard?", Kayima replies, "whatever."
Ouch. Ninja Theory has drawn attention as a Western studio handling a much beloved Capcom IP - something Blue Castle looks like its going to pull off with Dead Rising 2 - but this TGS announcement and the accompanying internet fury isnt the dream start it would have wanted.
While we wouldnt have expected the man responsible for Bayonetta to build up the competition, Ninja Theory must feel like Its being kicked while its down.