NEWS - Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fable 3 Wont Have Kinect Support at Launch
Fable 3 may have been one of the earliest games to be confirmed to work with Kinect (then called Natal), but speaking on the Engadget Show, Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux has revealed that whatever Kinect functionality they originally had planned wont be in the game at launch. Joystiq reports that following Molyneuxs Engadget Show appearance, they questioned him about this revelation, to which he responded their original concept for Kinect controls in Fable 3 (which Molyneux has never actually detailed) just wasnt shaping up well enough to include in the game for its retail release. He evidently said Kinect support "may" be added later, but that oddly seems to leave open the possibility that Kinect support may just be scrapped altogether.
A Microsoft representative further explained that although Molyneux has promised Kinect support for the game in the past, theyre unable to talk about how Kinect would work with Fable 3 "at this time."
Fable 3 is set for release on the Xbox 360 on October 26 -- just over a week before Kinect launches in North America on November 4.