NEWS - Friday, June 11, 2010

Details for New Rock Band 3 Instruments Released
We got our first smorgasbord of Rock Band 3 info yesterday, including an explanation of the "Rock Band Pro" mode that’ll use two new guitar controllers, the new keyboard instrument, and drums with extra symbols attached. Now Harmonix has released new pictures (see more below) and price details for said new instruments, as well as a few new details on Rock Band 3 itself.
For starters, Harmonix has confirmed that players will use cymbal attachments for their drum sets in Pro mode, rather than releasing a new set of drums with built-in cymbals. MadCatz -- now the official manufacturer of Rock Band peripherals -- will be releasing a new set of wireless cymbal attachments (with three cymbals) that’ll cost $39.99.
MadCatz has also announced the new keyboard (pictured above) will be sold separately for $79.99, or bundled with Rock Band 3 for $129.99. Then there’s the Fender Mustang PRO-Guitar Controller, which adds a series of buttons along 17 frets, with six individual strings on the base to strum, all to better simulate playing a real guitar. MadCatz also says it can be used as a MIDI guitar instrument outside of Rock Band 3, and will cost $149.99. Lastly, MadCatz will also release a MIDI PRO-Adapter that’ll allow players to use their real MIDI keyboards or MIDI drum sets with Rock Band 3 if they happen to already own any. That’ll cost $39.99, and is also pictured below.
Not included in any of these details is the fully-functional six-string Fender Squier Stratocaster guitar/controller hybrid, so it’s still unknown how much that’ll cost.
Meanwhile, Harmonix has confirmed that Rock Band 3 is coming to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii, but they also announced a version will be released for the Nintendo DS as well. All four versions will be released simultaneously this holiday season, but a specific date isn’t set yet.
A couple of other tidbits: Considering that the total Rock Band song library -- when you combine backwards compatibility with previous Rock Band songs, DLC, and the 83 new songs in Rock Band 3 -- has ballooned to over 2,000 songs, Harmonix will build new features into Rock band 3 to help wade through all the song options. This includes the ability to create and save custom setlists and share them with friends in-game or over There will also be new song filters that let you hide songs, and a system that will recommend songs based on your preferences.
Now heres a look at the new instruments!