NEWS - Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Patched
BioWare has put out a patch for the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 2, fixing some bugs and making a few subtle changes to the gameplay. If you boot up the game while connected to Xbox Live, youll be prompted to download this patch automatically. Wondering whats been fixed? Heres the full rundown:
-Scanning for minerals has been optimized
-Fixed an issue with marking all entries as viewed in the Journal
-Fixed an issue relating to text and the menu screen
-Fixed an issue relating to players starting a new game and loading a save
-Fixed multiple issues when loading a save containing DLC when DLC isnt present
-Fixed an issue with ammo flashing when it cant be picked up
-Fixed an issue with crosshairs
-Fixed an issue with Grunts Fortification power
-Fixed an issue with enemies and cover
-Fixed an issue where players could receive additional talent points
-Fixed an issue where squad members would overwrite ammo powers the player had assigned them