Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 116

Gameplay: THe gameplay feel is very similar to Halo, except you use your melee weapons more often to save arrows (if you even need to). You play through the level a few times to learn the scripting events such as explosions, falling floors, and boxes etc. You also figure out what type of enemy is where, and you just prepare yourself. It's fun as hell. If you're a serious gamer, THIS GAME IS A MUST BUY.
Graphics: The graphics on this game are unparalleled by any other game on XBOX to date. I'd score it a point or so higher than I would Halo easily. The bumpmapping of bricks, the DOA water effects, the killer moving sky above, and just the artwork alone is just unreal. There's plenty of blood flying (dissappears), and tons of cool looking enemies.
Audio: The sound creator of this game is absolutely brilliant! Again, the music sounds epic on many scales and really goes well with the game. The enemies talk and the sounds of arrows whizzing by really sounds cool, and scary at times!
Suggestions: All that is in the game is awesome. I think giving the enemies more phrases to say would be cool. The difficulty level is perfect to keep the game from being beaten in a week. (For those of us who work for a living) Multiplayer and Vehicles would be great in the next one.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10