Average Overall Score Given: 7.71429 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Kabuki Warriors

In short, I would rather drink Oprah Winfrey's sh1t through a swirley straw than ever play this game again.
Gameplay: One freakin attack button, a block button, somethin else, oh, and cant forget the dance button. i love stabbing someone in the neck, and seeing my sword next to the guy's head, with a little spray thingy of blood, nowhere near the wound.
Graphics: i should play X-Box instead of NES, oh wait, I am. I know that the Japanese make dumb games, but I could never have imagined this. the graphics were so gonna be sick
Audio: i'd rather be locked in a coffinn with a ritchard hatch with vaseline on my !&%$@#* than listen to the sound of this game again.
Suggestions: if u make another game like this i will kill u all, and crap on ur faces
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls may take a few minutes to get used to, but its the same controls as Halo, which does make it easier. There's only a few crucial buttons that are needed in the game, running, looking, switching weapons, and the 2 fire buttons. Fairly smooth, the only part that needs some getting used to is the speed at which the game is played, which is breathtakingly fast. You're going to need good reflexes to play this game.
Graphics: Graphics are great. For a game like Unreal, very fine details are not needed, but they are there in this masterpiece. The weapons look amazing, from the Lighting gun, to the flak ricochets around the map. Nothing has been overlooked, and no corners have been cut. Looks great.
Audio: Sound is amazing, music, the taunts that you can say in the game. The sound of the weapons itself is amazing, nothing else to say.
Suggestions: Perfect, no change here.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Resident Evil type game. Although the challenges are not the most difficult things in the world, if you put the difficulty on hard, then they will be harder, this is because of the lack of ammo, and more Things. Overall, a good buy, well worth it.
Gameplay: The gameplay can take a little getting used to. Left joystick moves, right joystick strafes. Right trigger shoots. You move in third person, but u can look around and shoot in first as well. With the directional pad you can pick your items and weapons, right trigger fires, left trigger uses item. Sometimes its frustrating because I use my last medkit on my teammate rather than myself.
Graphics: Graphics are good. Not Halo good, but good. Flames look good, really gory game. If you're into massive blood and gore, this is your game. Flamethrower really looks nice when u torch some thing.
Audio: Sound is good, music is good, music goes along well in the game, hard to notice, but when you do, it really makes it that much better. Saliva is the band, theyre good.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Halo is, without a doubt, the best video game EVER created EVER on any system. It never gets old, I don't know how the hell anyone can ever get bored of this game. I beat this game in 4 days, that didn't make me dissappointed, nor did it stop me from playing it even more.
The Single player levels in this game are outstanding. The action, the plot, the graphics, the sound, all pull you even farther into this masterpiece. Once you enter the world of Halo, you never want to leave it. From working with your fellow marines, from fighting 2 different enemies at once, there is not one thing bad about this game.
What I also love about this game is the fact that you can only have 2 different weapons at the same time. This just makes the game even more fun, for it makes you think about which weapons you can bring into combat.
Gameplay: The controls, what can I say, some people say that the controls for X-Box are too confusing, and Halo is hard to figure out. You know what? I don't care about you people, as long as you can go !&%$@#* yourselves, I don't care. The controls make me wonder: Was this game, were these controls...made for X-Box? Everything is so perfect. The two triggers throw the grenades and shoot the guns. The thumbsticks move you, and look (like the wsad and a mouse). I don't even need to explain the rest, it's just perfect
Graphics: Gasp!!! Need air. Can't breathe. Graphics....too good....can't....continue....descrich.....longer. Hold on, Some people, in earlier reviews, have said that these graphics suck. I don't know how the hell you can say such a thing, when everywhere you look, the graphics are amazing. The grass on Halo, the walls when a flashlight hits it, it's amazing. Also, people who say that these are some of the best graphics they've seen in years. Well....what other graphics have you seen earlier than this that are better?!?! Are you blind? These are the best graphics in any game, there's no question, you cannot compare any other game. These are, without a doubt, the best graphics of any game. And for all you people who think not, I have one thing to say to you: GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES. People who are deciding to buy Halo: Do not listen to people who say the graphics are bad, buy this game, buy it now.
Audio: Sound effects were amazing. From walking on smooth, glass surfaces, from the grass and rocks, everything sounds amazing. Also, what I love most about this game, are the marines. They're great, from the things they say to the things they do. Popping rounds in dead aliens and saying "Get up so I can kill you again". To the disturbed marine who takes shots at you with the pistol screaming, "Get away!" Amazing, nothing else can describe it, absolutely amazing.
Suggestions: Make Halo2 better, and this will be the best series of games ever created. Halo is awesome!!! Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Gameplay for this game is perfect, when I think about it, there's no better controls for this game. It takes allmost no time to get them. X changes between your regular range weapon and your melee weapon. Y uses your edge (Special Attack/Power). B changes your special weapons you can acquire during the game (shotguns, machine guns, chainsaws, rocket launchers, flamethrowers). A interacts with the environment. Left thumb joistick controls where you move. Right joisticks controls where you look. (Halo, cept third person). And Right trigger shoots. Left Trigger jumps. Awesome controls, perfect for this game.
Graphics: The graphics in this game just ooze good looking. The Blood is amazing, and, what I feel really is great, is how u can knock the heads, arms, and even upper torsoes off of zombies, and still be chased by the legs of a zombie. In the sewers, the water is amazing, wherever your hunter goes, in the water, it's allmost like it's real water. The Hunters also are great, at any angle. It's also amazing how the hunters change weapons, it's lifelike.
Audio: The sound in this game is pretty cool. There's no mouth movement, but the videos make up for it, besides, most of the ppl who talk dont have mouths visible, (Carpenter). The music is good too, and the guns sound fine, nothing special.
Suggestions: Add more characters. Make a sequel, it'd be good.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was good, you could change from first person to third person, though the game is in third person, and u can't move in third person. the only setback i can see is that u can't move your view around when inside, like if u dont have a good view running around the inside of a German Barracks, too bad.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are good, but i thought it kind of portrayed a comic type environment, thought meant to be serious and all, it just looked comic. but it makes up for it with the elaborate settings of the camps.
Audio: Music, in most games, can be annoying, although the music in this game never seemed to get on my nerves, u dont notice it too much. What i also like, is that whenever you're in an illegal area of a camp, you can hear your heart beat grow, and theres nothing more tense than hiding behind a barrel from a German Guard just centimeters in front of you.
what i also like is the dialogue, u can choose what u want to say to someone, like, when u get an assignment by one of the Escape Committee Members, u can ask around the camp and chat with some other prisoners, and ask them questions.
Also, no german in this game, its english, which is nice, and the accents sound real/
Suggestions: Don't make the sewer of Colditz so !&%$@#* hard. And stop making the guy get caught. The guy gets caught by german 5 times, u break out of prison 4 times, and then get caught, its annoying.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10