Average Overall Score Given: 7.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: Is there any? The controls seem to just take off on their own and I feel like I have no gameplay at all? everything overshoots or doesn't move fast enough.
Graphics: looks nice visualy, but is very limited. The characters look like something from a basic old Nintendo or Sega system though, but the landscape looks good. Also don't go in the water!!!!
Audio: What can I say about the sound except it's trash. Noises are so unrealistic and sounds like someone created them from some other noise, although the gun shots do sound pretty good.
Suggestions: Make something better, MUCH better.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Everybody has wants to be the tough secret agent that goes into missions to kick butt and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell gives you the opportunity to live out this dangerous life style in the safest possible way, from your arm chair.
Gameplay: The controls are dead easy to get to grips with and each button has many different features that you can utilize to your specific needs. The only dwn-side is when you are backed up against a wall and you are trying to either move or look. For some reason I always choose to do the opposite of what I need to do. I guess it's just something I need to get right.
Graphics: The new technology for the lighting effects will just blow you away as each light acts differently and interacts with the environment. Just don't stand under florescent lights when shooting them, I hear it can give you cancer!
There are some quirks to the graphics like creeping down stairs, sometimes it looks like you are floating!!!
The quirks don't take away from the gameplay and enjoyment though.
Audio: Awesome sound. Every board, tile, drai, etc, has it's own sound as does everything you shoot. I listen on just a regular TV set, but I am told that with surround sound that this game will take on a whole new level.
Suggestions: Some soldiers are just too attentive to their jobs and environment!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Overall, the game is a lot of fun and was all I thought it would be and more.
Gameplay: The gameplay is easy and anyone can figure out after a few hours how to pull off a lot of moves. After many hours of playing I am still finding new ways to hurt my opponents. This game will keep you playing for a long time.
Graphics: Beautifully bitmapped characters and arenas and the entrances are just stunning. The whole look of the game is very pleasing to the eye, with bright colors and neat textures.
Audio: The voices is RAW are a little naff, but once you get into cracking some heads into tables and slamming chairs over heads you seem to forget how bad they sound.
Suggestions: Good job fellers!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10