Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
The Thing

Gameplay: As I have said, getting stuck annoyed me and almost made me give up a few times. Whether that is because I am not as seasoned a gameplayer as others I don't know. However I found the controls easy to pick up and the trust thing was a doddle. Which is a pity because it amounted to giving someone a gun to get them to trust you. Thats ok but I was hoping for something more engaging. Also the whole game felt more like an interactive story than something that you have control over. An example would be the blood test situation. While these should tell you whether a team mate is the thing or not, they are totally useless. Even if you know that the player is going to transform into the thing they don't show it even when tested seconds before! Apart from that I found it very immersing and satisfying.
Graphics: I thought the graphics were pretty amazing. Not as good as they might have been if it were not a multi console release, yet still very nice and high quality. I do think that it had a little more quality and clarity than it's PS2 counterpart. The running in the snow was sweet and the general attention to detail was good.
Audio: Minimal but used to good effect. What you want to add atmosphere and create the immersive effect that draws you in and keeps you absorbed.
Suggestions: Improve trust-fear set up. Make the blood tests work!!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

I can't tell why these people are giving it such high ratings though.
I thought that the idea worked well in theory but in practice I found it slow and boring.
I implore anyone who is tempted to buy it to hire it first.
Gameplay: I didn't find it very appealing at all really.
I got bored and very quickly. It's confusing and involves concentration. I suppose boring people might enjoy it.
Graphics: Mmmmm. Well I love the Xbox. I am sad that so many games now are multiconsole releases. This is because programmers are not really bothered to make the extra effort to push the Xbox to it's full graphic capacity and instead we end up with PS2 quality. While this is not too bad it isn't really anything exciting either.
Audio: Not appealing at all really. I didn't really notice anything interesting.
Suggestions: Push the Xbox more. Make the camp bigger. Have more prisoners to talk to. Create a more dynamic gaming experience.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: It's weak. I think that there were far too many options and you just don't care once you get to the game itself. Nothing to like about it. I really don't know why they wasted their time.
Graphics: I can't rank this zero. I don't know why they allowed this to be released on Xbox. It's hardly even a PS2 quality game. Hey if it goes on budget to $5 in the bargain bin then it may be worth considering. Though I wouldn't pay full price for trashy rubbish like this.
Audio: Actually I was impressed taht you could use your own music. More games should do this but apart from that there isn't anything special.
Suggestions: Make an Xbox game next time. Save crap like this for the PSOne.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: What appeals the most to me about the gameplay is that it is easier to pick up than some fighters and the feature of countering moves is an excellent addition.
Further to this I love the sparring mode. The Exercise feature is the best as other fighters usually just have the command list and you have to try to remember what order to do that move in. Which meant I usually didn't bother but this system is great and will help anyone get the best from their favourite character.
Graphics: At the risk of repeating everything everyone else has already said, this is just perfect. Nothing comes close.
Audio: Mmmm Didn't like the songs too much. I usually just turn the volume down and put my own music on and listen to the sound effects. Having said that, it is not any worse than the music in most fighters. Would be good to have english speaking though (surely we can multitrack sound with DVD capability)
Suggestions: More fighters. Make extra fighters a reward for finishing the game. More levels in Story mode. More costumes. Better music.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

I LOVE this game. Depends what you like but if you like fast and furious destruction, this game is it.
Gameplay: Brilliant. What can I say. I hired this and now I own it and I love playing it. It is challenging sometimes and fun most of the time. A4 was a bitch but rewarding when done. Otherwise great for a laugh and it really is FAST.
Graphics: Brilliant. Don't know why it is so brown and dusky all the time but then haven't been to Hong Kong myself so maybe it's like that. A bit more colour would be nice. Totally one to showcase the Xbox.
Audio: Well I know a lot of people whinge about it but I like it. Then I am a mad BT fan. Turn up the music, turn down the sound effect. Works best for me. The speed of the music suits the frantic pace of the game.
Suggestions: Well nothing that hasn't been said. More of a sensible difficulty curve. MORE LEVELS!! You're a porn company? Naked Drivers! Kidding...
How about making the Monster trucks actually able to drive over cars and not shovel them? More cities? More colour.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10