Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 5
Genma Onimusha

Gameplay: Very fun gameplay, but sometimes it can be frustrating when you fight certain enemies, but most of the time it's awesome!
Graphics: Since this is a port from the PS2 version, the graphics aren't all that good compared to other Xbox games. Some things just suck (the orbs on doors look like they are from Zelda/N64). However the FMV's in this game are AWESOME.
Audio: The voiceovers in this game are great (the only problem is that their mouths don't sync and I'm guessing it's because this game wasn't originally made in the USA). Everything else is fine.
Suggestions: Fix the camera angles, maybe make game a bit longer.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10