Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 2
Gun Metal

It was mankinds most profound scientific discovery of all time, the ability to control wormholes. Earth now had a way of travel beyond our system. The gate to Helios was decided to be the one linked to Earth. War broke out on who would goto Helios. We all made it through, deactivating the gate, and leaving it suspended above the sky as a monument to the past. Inhabitants flourished, until the gate burst to life one day far down the road, and a seemingly endless armada poured forth on helios. Until, mercifully, the gate was destroyed due to strain on its systems. You are Project Gunmetal, our last line of defence.
Whoa, thats heavy.
Gameplay: Controls are simple, when as a mech, your controls are much like Halo's, right stick turns and left stick moves. Right trigger shoots and left fires missles. But as a jet, the right stick speeds up and the left stick manuevers. That makes it hard to make a tight turn or to due any fancy things besides rolling, which is done by pressing B. Your very manueverable, and found myself jumping over my enemies torpedoes and shooting them Max Payne style in minutes.
The biggest feature though is the abilty to change into a jet from mech by the press of Y, thats it, just Y. It adds a layer of gameplay and tactical strategy to it. Go by air in the more maneuverable jet but less armor and weaker weaponry, or the slower yet more shielded and powerful.
Graphics: This is where the game shines. It has everything you could hope for. Volumetric everything, the realest water Ive seen, persistent damage, (nice use of the Hardrive), million-polygon environments. It is a visual feast that could give Halo a run for its money. Flying through a cloud dust while raining down on your enemies a beautifully rendered volley of napalm or torpedoes. Wow.
Audio: These people actually added custom soundtrack in the game. Why? I dont care because I love it. The in-game music is fine, but go ahead and use your own tunes because your not missing anything special.
Other wise the effects are great, although I dont know what a monsterous robot careening through trees sounds like, the crunches and thumps, explosions, and gunfire are all great. It takes advantage of the 5.1 Audio set on the Xbox. Way to go guys!
Suggestions: The one main problem with this game is that it has NO multi-player options. Not even co-op. System Link would have been nice too, an all-out mech-war would be awesome. Oh well, there's always Gunmetal 2..
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10