Average Overall Score Given: 6.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
ESPN International Winter Sports 2002

Gameplay: Real snow effects. Winter Games on the Commador 64 eat you heart out. This game is better than that game.
Graphics: The starting screen is on of the best out there. I mean you have colors and more colors. Give them a hand.
Audio: They actually used English in this game! I swear what is the world coming to? Speech in a game? WOW!
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. When you get to the 3rd grade I can't wait to see Winter Sports 2!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is much like Fever 2002. The AI is much better now than before. I still hate the "computer taking over my guy" stuff. You know, the diving for the ball when you never pushed a button or not being able to run where you want to. Give us gamers some credit. We can push a button to jump or dive for the football. Running is really the only time you have 90% control of your player. Breaking tackles and running people over is still my favorite thing to do. Passing is improved a bit with smoother control of the quarterback while scrambling in the pocket. It is the receiving part of the gameplay that stinks. Again, the player you control will automatically dive for the ball or slow down by himself to catch the ball. No more blocking kicks either. If your opponent is kicking a field goal and you grab that CB with 100 speed and time the snap perfectly it doesn't matter. 80% of the time your player dives, FROM THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, as soon as the ball is snapped. Again more of the "computer taking over my guy" stuff. This game is a great coaches game. Two people picking plays and just watching the outcome. If I want my middle linebacker to just stand in one spot, I should be able to do so. Not with this game. Pick a play, then set your controller down and watch your defender run around the field without even touching your controller. It must be magic!
Graphics: The graphics is all this game has going for it. Replays are 10 times better than last year?s game. The developers added cool accessories to the players uniform. There are towels hanging from the waistline, hand warmers for those wimpy quarterbacks, and neck protectors for the big defensive linemen, and even mouthpieces. You can't forget the best of all, the field goal net that stops the football from going into the crowd. Fever 2003 has the best field goal net physics I have ever seen!
Audio: Here is where the problems and bugs come into play with this game. The sound will cut in and out, causing lockups and extremely long load times between plays. If these sound problems start happening to you just shut the game off because you cannot save your game. Pretend you are in your 5th season of your Dynasty. You are in the middle of a game when these sound problems come along. Because it has been a couple games since your last save, you don't want to shut off you system. So you decide to save it. Good idea. But when you choose to save a new file it fails, giving you an error message. You still don't want to shut off the system because you just played 4 games and all those stats will just get erased when you power off your Xbox. So you choose to save over your saved Dynasty, hoping that that will take care of it. But guess what happens. Not only do you get an error message that says you?re save attempt failed, it deletes your entire Dynasty from existence. So all those long hours of playing and playing, building up your custom made players just gets flushed down the toilet. All because Microsoft won't properly test their games for the Xbox.
Suggestions: Yes.
Why don't you hire me to test the games that you create? My email address is I really hate to see the most powerful console gaming system, the Xbox, go to waste because the substandard games that continue to disappoint hardcore gamers like myself.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10