Average Overall Score Given: 7.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
World Series Baseball (Sega)

Gameplay: I now realize how much of a hardcore baeball gamer I am, because I was disappointed. There are too many automatic actions. After playing Triple Play on Playstation, I got used to controlling every aspect of gameplay, unlike WSB. I miss; being able to warm up a pitcher in the bullpen, control the lead off with a baserunner, actually field a fly ball instead of just moving a fielder to the red spot, charge slow rolling ground balls, having 2 modes to throw (one normal, one fast-the fast throw has more tendency to end up as a throwing error), jump for balls going over the wall, moving the batter's position in the box, controlling what slide (if any) to choose from, and choosing between a home run swing, and a contact swing. There are other aspects I miss too, but this is the brunt of it.
Graphics: No real gripes here, the stadiums could be sharper with more detail but overall it is pleasing to watch and look at. Also, players skin color is inaccurate, and they are all built the same, like Jose Canseco.
Audio: Nothing fancy here and no complaints either. I have it hooked up to a surround sound system, but it didn't blow me away. Commentary is a little fflat.
Suggestions: Allow more control for the gamer to utilize, make the player be accountable for all actions. This sometimes felt like it was in "auto" or "coach" mode.
Also, consider hiring me as a game tester, I now realize I may be in an elite category!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10