Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Gameplay: Great. You have great control of your light saber and use of the force and the blocks always come in handy.
Graphics: Great. Any game on the xbox looks good and this game is no exception. It will be hard for it to get much better.
Audio: Didn't notice. I was concentrating too much on playing to realize how good the sound was. I'm sure it is great.
Suggestions: Keep it up.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very easy to understand. The first person takes some getting used to but the first person mode id why I play it.
Graphics: I was playing the game during a family party and people would come in and say they didn't know that football had started yet. It is that realistic.
Audio: Sounds good. I really don't pay attention to those things. I'm too busy playing to notice. It sounds good.
Suggestions: Keep it comming. More! More! More!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is so easy. It comes natural after five minutes. Of course, playing the first game helped out but even if I hadn't played the first Splinter Cell the game play would be very easy to get used to.
Graphics: This is the one thing I like most about this game. Everything is so real and and in detail. THis game was definatly made for the xbox.
Audio: I really don't notice because I'm too into the game. Everything about this game is so awesome, the sound has to be good too.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is easy to control and understand. There are a number of diffrent moves and objectives that need to be accomplished and this games goes through them all and makes them easy to control.
Graphics: Like most Xbox games, the visuals are great. I have no problem with the way this game comes across.
Audio: I really didn't notice the sound. I was too busy concentrating on my mission. If I didn't notice it, then it must be good.
Suggestions: Great Game!!! It's good to have a game that makes you think and concntrate intead of some stupid !&%$@#* Hunter: The Reckoning where all you do it mindlessly kill people.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay isn't bad. It is probably the worst thing about this game. Everything was great except that I sometimes would visually lose the person I was fighting and would have to press the left trigger to find him again. It is just an annoyance that I could do without.
Graphics: I thought they were great. Everyting looked lifelike and I had no problem distiguishing between anything.
Audio: I really didn't notice. Who really gives a crap about the sound anyway. Just give a good action game and I couldn't care less about the sound.
Suggestions: Good job.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game was pretty easy to control but it needs to be more exciting and have more depth. You can only kill so many characters before you get sick of it.
Graphics: This was probably the best part of the game. The blood was probably the thing that looks the best.
Audio: I couldn't care less. I guess it was alright. The whole process was a waste of time so I really didn't pay attention to the sound.
Suggestions: Have some diversity. Make it so you have to think, at least a little.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10