Average Overall Score Given: 9.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 222
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Gameplay: The gameplay is what you would expect from Tom Clancy games. Realistic. But it's also a more arcade version that is easier to just pick up and play but hard to excel at. The XBL multiplayer co-op is a big plus to this game.
Graphics: The graphics look great. The shadows on the walls are top notch and often you can use them to tell if someone is around the next corner.
Audio: The sound is pretty good. Being able to communicate orders to your troops in single player with your communicator is a cool and innovative option. The regular sounds and voices are also well done. The music is nicely composed as well.
Suggestions: Offline Co=Op would've been nice. More voice orders too maybe? Aside from that not much more. A great game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The AI in NHL2k3 were nearly impossible to beat at the highest level. Unless you like 0-0 ties after 4 Overtimes you didn't enjoy it much. They really improved on the general play and now defencemen aren't supermen.
Graphics: The graphics are superb. Way better than any other I have ever seen for a hockey game. I like the way the crowd looks pretty realistic. One thing I really like is that the intro movie shows REAL footage and not boring animated moves.
Audio: Good in some aspects, bad in another describes the sound. The ingame sound is pretty good (IE crowd chants, etc) The commentary is definately improved over last year though I swear the colour commentator loves shoulder hits. One BIG minus for this game is it's lackluster soundtrack.'s horrible except for "We Will Rock You" by Queen which gets old after the first 63 times.
Suggestions: Add customizable soundtracks. That's one thing I've always wanted. An improved franchise mode would also be nice. Other than that keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

It's very addictive.
Gameplay: The gameplay is solid. It's not like the other mech games with lots of customization, but it's not supposed to be. There is plenty of strategy in this guy but it's not as obvious as say Ghost Recon.
Graphics: The game looks great, from falling buildings to footprints in the snow to the look of the mechs themselves. not much more you can ask for.
Audio: I haven't found a problem with the sounds yet. The gun sounds are good, the explosions. Not a problem that really stands out.
Suggestions: Bring out plenty of downloadable content. Maybe more maps, especially non-sniper maps like Junkyard.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10