Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: (i cant believe theres no multiplayer)
The gameplay revolves around shooting throngs of enemies while performing boost combos. boost combos are done while your in air with the aid of your gear skin and are essential to boosting you gv fuel gauge so you can perform special moves. boost combos ac !&%$@#* ulate and as they do your primary weapon increases in damage. so you see mastery of the controls is essential to getting the most fun out this game. And fun it is, once your boosting around the place you feel unstoppable.
of course all this would be for naught if you couldnt hit anything which is 2 primary functions of the game help out. the first is the auto-targeting which is fine-tuned by the right thumb stick and the second is the quick-turns you can do by clicking the right thumb stick in the direction your turning.
boosting, turning, aiming and shooting this is everything the game is based on and all though this sounds like an easy feat, i assure you it isnt.
(helloooo... multiplayer???)
one of the biggest problems the game has is a lack of variety in both the types of enemies you'll face of and the number different environments you'll fight in. although there all well done you still end up feeling the need for more especially once youve mastered the controls.
the mission types also dont vary much at all. most missions are kill everything that moves others are variations on that theme by giving you a time limit. And once in a while you'll do all that and retrieve a certain item of interest.
even though the missions are rather uninteresting the level design in most cases is fantastic. Canyon runs and installations to vertical tunnels and everything are done very well.
(cmon smilebit, where'd you hide the multiplayer?)
The best thing about this game is the long forgotten boss fights there are 5 in all and although the first boss isnt very imaginative the rest are both challenging and very well designed.
and what would an good ol' arcade action game be without weapon power-ups. Although theres only a few weapons in the game there each upgradable. this is by spending GVP that you earn after each mission and what you earn is based on how well you performed according to how many enemies you killed, how many secrets you found and how well your technique is. the last is based pretty mush how well you can use the controls.
did i mention theres no multiplayer option at all. none, nada, zip, not even co-op. this game deserves multiplayer more than any other game in history and im rather disappointed it was left out or not even considered at all.
also the game is quite short. after about 20 hours or so you'll probably have done everything you possibly can in the game and although theres a challenge mode thats opened up after you beat the story mode once that allows you to replay all of the missions and bosses that you had to previously beat. But re-playing a mission just for the "challenge" of it can hardly be regarded as replay value.
Graphics: One word. Amazing. Gunvalkyrie's graphics and animations are an awesome display of what an xbox can do. the special effects of the special moves are beautiful and the characters all look very detailed and well animated especially kelly (the main character) with her lithe aerobatics and other nice touches.
Audio: The sound and music in this game are somewhat a little lacking and thats a shame given the high quality of everything else. the weapons dont sound like they have nearly as much punch as they do visually and the characters themselves arent very well voice acted. although the latter is of very little concern since theres very little voice acting anyway. the sounds of the enemies are really bad. the throngs of insects you dispatch will sound like something out an episode of Pacman when they give out a resounding "Chomp, chomp!". i personally laughed my !&%$@#* off when i first heard it.
Suggestions: More missions, Multiplayer, more enemies, multiplayer, more weapons, multiplayer and a better storyline.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10