Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 98
Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO

Gameplay: Great, very simple for begginers and the choice of ac-ism also leaves a challenge for the old skool guys. its really great to see a fighter game go online also, the online play is a bit laggy and you lose connection at the worse times for example... when your about to win, losing connections count as a loss on both parts so that sux, and sometimes the controller doesnt respond to the actions, but other then that this game is F****** awesome!!!!!
Graphics: uhh... i wish they didnt have this part in the review... but to be perfectly honest, the graphics suck azz, they could not be worse unless you played it on gameboy.
Audio: well since usually i have my tv on mute and i listen to music while i play, i wouldnt know about this part, but what i have heard so far i think its great, the characters actually make sounds when u hit them.
Suggestions: cmon guys, enhanced graphics... no win/lose ratio, just the amount of games youve played. and maybe making more capcom characters
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10