Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: The gameplay is fun. It makes you think, which in my opinion is important in most games. The controls are dead on and extremely easy to use after a little time in the tutorial mission, and will become second nature after playing for a while. Having to use stealth as well as the unique way of hiding in shadows, makes it very suspenseful to play, thus increasing the excitement.
Graphics: Top notch graphics with only a few flaws. The characters are all beautifully done, hand drawn and nice and smooth. This game makes use of an impressive shadow engine which allows the player to shoot out lights in order to hide better etc. It adds a very important element to the game, and quickly turns from something you normally don't think about in a game to something so vital, you can't live without it. My only problem with the graphics is the clipping the character models have. For instance a dead or knocked out enemy while on the ground, can pass their head/arms/legs though walls and other stationary objects. It's kind of a drag to see something so bad as that with the awesome looking graphics that the game has. Also the flat models when, for instance, an enemy dies on a stairway. They just seem to float there instead of taking the form of the stairs. I understand that animating that would take a long time, but look at games like Unreal 2 and how much that makes the game look all that much better.
Audio: Sound is another vital part of the game. The effects in this one are spectacular. Every surface makes a distinct sound. From metal floors, to broken glass, to steel chains... they all have their own sound. These different sounds also play a huge role in the game. Enemies can hear your footsteps (and you can hear theirs), alerting them to your presence and position, adding yet another element to the game. It really pushes the envelope of a 'silent assassin' type game.
Suggestions: Watch the clipping of character models, as well as add additional motions to avoid that pesky 'floating' effect. Also have the storyline a little more easy to follow... nobody wants to read 4 billion datasticks to get the just of what's going on. Excellent game nevertheless, and I anxiously await the sequel.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is perfect. The game is easy to learn, but difficult to master; just as every game should be. The simple key layout is a breeze for new players to the console, and the new tutorial aids them to become the pro skaters that they were meant to become.
Graphics: Wow. The character models are fantastic, the framerate is fast, the animations are smoothe, and the levels are detailed. I did get annoyed at some of the levels that seemed to repeat the same textures over and over, which really draws away from giving that level some character. Although most of the levels are fairly expansive, they're pretty bland, and you'll find yourself mostly staying in one spot in the levels themselves.
Audio: Well of course the sound is going to be good. That's what Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is known for... but I feel that this soundtrack was a tad on the weaker side as compared with the previous two games in the series. It felt too rock and roll and not enough punk for my tastes, but I suppose that everyone's different in the sound matter. There are also the regular rolling sounds and cheering and booing etc. which come out about as good as you can make them. Some of the sound effects do get overused, and I wished that there was a little more change in them, such as certain people in the area saying the same thing over and over again...
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. It can only get better, and I'm awaiting the fourth one... skate on boys.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10