Average Overall Score Given: 8.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: Best game out for any system ever. Halo takes the cake. It had alot of hype, and lived up to it in a heartbeat and then some. The story was extremely good, the gameplay was great, and the multi-player was supurb.
Graphics: Graphics were awesome. Usually advertizements show the only good shots on games, but that would have been impossible for Halo advertizers to do. The whole game was great.
Audio: The sounds were also great. However sounds aren't very hard to do. In anycase all the sounds needed for this game are there.
Suggestions: Hurry with Halo 2
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is nice...if you have the ball. Yes its easy to stop the computer, but its still too easy to score no matter the difficulty. Playing against friends sucks to because all anyone has to do is get the ball inside to a big man and their auto-dunks. Defense got better once I found out about using the stick to square up/box out better, but either way your opponent can score if they have only a mediocre player. Also, the franchise mode is weak because once you get into the years certin teams get all the good free agents for a year, win the Championship, and let all of them good for next years champ.
Graphics: The graphics are ok. They look like bodies, but the color isn't very good nor are the faces. Thank god for the jerseys!
Audio: The sounds were nothing special, no better then 2k2 or 2k3. They do have all the easy stuff(balls bouncing, fans cheering, etc) but not enough of the little things.
Suggestions: Fix the cpu's D ability and the franchise for starters.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay, again, is a little slower the other games. However, this game is closer to real. Not many people can cross the field, and run for 90 yard TDs as fast as they were able to on the older games.
Graphics: It looks great. Last year was great accept for a couple minor things like faces. 2003 fixed it that faces resemble the player or the coach it is supposed to.
Audio: All the sounds needed for a football game are here. Not much else to it.........
Suggestions: On 2004, make it so attitudes somehow are involved. Make a player explode in anger on his teammate after a dropped pass, or missed block. Make people get into scuffles.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play was great. It was a little tricky to adjust, but once I got used to it the controls were great.
Graphics: The visuals were pretty good but I didn't like how it wasn't always centered on 1p. Other then that they were good.
Audio: The sounds were good also. Nothing special, but they were good enough. The cinemas were the standout sounds.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10