Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 14
Panzer Dragoon Orta

The Multi target system was very neat but also made the game very easy
I read in my xbox magazine that only 1000-9000 copys of this will be sold i dunno why tho i give this a 5.0
Gameplay: The Game Play Is Complex With Multi Targets And Isent Always User Friendly Thats The Only Bad Part Ugggg They Make This So Hard With Minimum Charectors
Graphics: The GRAPHICS are amazing its just like in the old days with FF8 & 9 But those days are over its very good that the developer could make the graphics so good usen the fuill power of the xbox
Audio: The Sound????? There Isent Much Of A Sound So Ill Just Give It A 3.5 All Tho It Should Be A 1.0 Ill Be Nice
Suggestions: Try To Make It MORE User Friendly AND PLEASE DONT SELL ONLY 9000 COPYS
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I give it a 3.5 becuz it isent the best i mean why do u do tricks u dont get points all tho u can get more speed or air
Graphics: Visual is the best part i guess becuz they used cell shaded they should use normal halo graphics but cell shades are just as good i give it a 4.5
Audio: The Sound Is Awseome Nice Rap And Hip Hop Music I love it totally
Hmmm This Is Paired Up With Graphics But I guess ill give it a 5.0
Suggestions: Try To Make Halo Graphics Test It Out Atleast
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is cool every charecter has its own fighting style and the all time best part is The Girls probly what most people would by it for
Graphics: Visual i already said they used the xbox full power for it its the best
its as good as halo graphics= The Best u can get
Audio: Sound i dunno i guess its good japanese music and they talk japanese even thjo they subtitial it ...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: GamePlay sucks becouse of first you just dance ya dont really fight!
a tiny squirt of blood comes up when you win and the first time i laughed the second time i just said this sucks forgot this game
Graphics: The visual is as good as nes even tho some people like that not us older people only our dad or moms
now they should have 3d but this doesent no its just crappy
Audio: its ok i guess if you like japs overall this is the only good thing
but then if you think about it this even sucks
Suggestions: it sucks get rid of it and put it on the nes not that ya could Dont buy this game if ya wanna id just rent it
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10