Average Overall Score Given: 5.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
World Series Baseball (Sega)

Gameplay: I originally owned a copy of ASB, and was happy with the gameplay, despite the minor glitches it had, there were occurences where you would hit the ball you never had before, and the hits were spread out. However, while playing WSB, the hits seemed to occur in the same places game after game, the fielders also seem much slower than the runners, therefore allowing for more extra base hits for batter's with just average speed. There are no broken bats, pitcher can't get thrown out, and some of the animations in the outfield look comical. Since when did outfielder sidearm the ball into the infield. Plus, I have never seen players celebrate homeruns like they do in WSB. Also, where are the player collisions? Something, ASB and WSB could not figure out how to include. Somebody also needs to tell Sega, that double play's are way easier to comoplete in real life then they are in the game, I know Sega wanted to make a game that was fun, but DP's are part of the game, good or bad. The franchise mode in WSB is very good. It is the light at the end of the tunnel. Sega, did a great job in including the franchise and trying to reach fans at the sim level. I have no problem with the franchise and only wish that ASB would have structured it more of the same way. Overall, the gameplay made me wish I hadn't traded in ASB.
Graphics: Visually, the game looked great. The player's for the most part looked good, except for again some minor details. Some players were not included with there actual stances, and some of the player's faces did not look like there real life counterpart. These are everyday starters, not bench players. There are no reasons to brag about the facial features when all starting player's aren't correct. Plus, they lacked major detail on the stadiums, some did not have that real life feel to them, and seemed rather cartoonish. Plus, a feature that I love is the ability to see the ball repel off of walls and facade when you hit a home run. That is something that WSB also forgot to do. Plus, what is up with the same bird that always fly's across the screen.
Audio: I felt that the sound had it's bright spot's and it's low spot's. The best quality is when the fans heckle the playes. It really caught my ear. The announcers do a nice job in the game, and like all other games contains some repeat phrases. Overall I feel that with the umpire's and the crowd it's better than ASB.
Suggestions: Don't dog the game, put every detail of baseball into the game, every stadium detail, and every player detail. Make it feel like it's a baseball game, don't try to lessen the errors just because it's not fun having an error. True baseball gamer's want to simulate there real life baseball hero's, My advice to you- watch the game, study the game, and create the game.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10