Average Overall Score Given: 9.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 589
Rallisport Challenge

Gameplay: There are lots of cars and tons of tracks! It wont get old fast! There are quite a few different races in career mode, and it gets pretty hard. In career mode you unlock new cars and tracks. There are 4 different events, Rally, Ice Racing, Hill Climb, and Rallycross. All of them are really fun. The controls are easy to get down, so dont worry about that. Gameplay is great overall.
Graphics: OMG! Who's responsible for this?!? These graphics rock! These graphics are up there will Halo's easily. The tracks and environments look fantastic. The grass and trees sway, and you'll see animals running in the distance! The ice on the ice races looks so incredible, especially when the evening sun is shining off of it! The cars look great too! They have realistice headlights and awesome damage effects! When you race for a while your car starts to get dusty and dirty on safari tracks. Or on snowy tracks you'll see a snowy glaze develop your car and your tires get snowy. On tracks where there is mud, your car will get really muddy on the sides. Pure visual bliss! And did I mention damage effects?! Your windows can brake, headlights, taillights, your hood gets smashed up, your spoiler will bend, its awesome! By far the best damage effects I have seen in a racing game. And I haven't noticed any slowdown in framerate. This game is a visual wonder.
Audio: Sound is good, the car engines sound pretty good. You can hear the glass break, ect. The soundtrack it comes with is nothing great. But luckily they made it so you can add you own music. Nothing like going 125 mph and sliding into a sharp turn while listening to some Metallica.
Suggestions: More effects! I want to be able to get my car completely covered with mud! I want to drive through water and mud puddles and send mud splashing up. Make mud more gooey. And add winsheild wipers that are moving on rainy races. Just some of the things I would have liked to see. Oh and btw, make a Rallisport Challenge 2!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are simple, turn with the left analog stick, punch with the right analog stick, crouch with A, while crouching switch to the D-pad and hold a direction, when you are about to go off the jump release A and you will send your boarder into an array of flips and spins that makes your mouth water. There are grab buttons and a boost button also. Its quite simple but you can have hours of fun doing all the different tricks and uber tricks. There are 3 modes, practice, single event, and world curcuit. Its a blast just to practice a certain course looking for shortcuts and doing tricks all at your own pace. Or you can do single event and race other boarders or do the showoff event which adds more jumps and rails to a track. In world circuit you pick a rider and race the cpu opponents in 3 heats per track. You also do the showoff event where you must reach a certain point value to get the gold. Some of the later tracks can get very hard and frusterating, especially the racing. Mainly because the cpu controlled boarders are so hard to beat and you cant really break far ahead of them, so that last stretch of track counts the most. Nonetheless it is very fun and addicting. You start with a few characters and earn more as you get gold medals. During world circuit the other racers are either your friend, enemy, or nuetral. When they are your enemy they will take every chance to knock you down or cut you off. If someone is nuetral or your friend, they can become your enemy if you knock them down enough times. There is lots of things to unlock, like new costumes, boards, and tracks. Plus, there is DVD content which will show you clips of the developers working on the game and explaining about the tricks, sound, tracks, voice acting, ect! It has it all! Gameplay is very solid in this game.
Graphics: The visuals in this game rock! The character models look wonderful and so do the tracks. It doesn't matter if this game is a port, the graphics wont let you down. One of my favorite things about this games is the sence of spead you get when racing down the track. Its cool to see the track fly by you at high speed and carve high around the turns and send snow flying in the air. That mixed with the sound of your board cutting through the snow makes you realize that this game has more than just "tricks". Speaking of tricks though, they look superb!! All of them look beautiful and smooth. They link together perfectley too. The Uber Tricks are the highlight of the game. When your boarder does enough tricks and gets a full tricky meter the famous "its tricky" song plays and when you press certain buttons your rider will do some crazy insane stunt that looks very cool. Each rider has a few of their own unique uber tricks along with some of the standard ones (but still cool) that are shared between different riders. The only bad thing visually about this game is the frame rate drop when a few different boarders get on the screen at the same time. I dont find it to be that bad and usually it goes away quickly. Overall this game visually shines!
Audio: The sound is great. From the sound of your board flying over the snow to the things your rider yells out to other racers all sounds great. They even used celebrity voices for some of the characters. And your boarder will actually say the name of the rider its yelling to. The announcer will also chime something in during the race. The music is fast paced, and hearing the "its tricky" song start to play gets you excited to do that uber trick your always waiting to do. The sound is great overall!
Suggestions: You've made a wonderful game that will keep me playing it for a very long time. If you make a sequel (which I really hope you do) add more jumps, bigger jumps, more tracks, more characters, more uber tricks....hell.... MORE EVERYTHING!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very good, the addition of combos and reverts did a lot for the game. The combos make the game more interesting and not as repetative, so you always have something new to do. The levels are put together niceley, and most everything "flows" pretty good. Only one glitch I found in a level so far, and its no big deal, and doesn't effect anything. I am definitley more used to the PS/PS2 controllers when it comes to thps games, but the xbox controller works well enough for me. I cant wait to play this game through system link!
Graphics: Graphics are good. The skaters are detailed and so are the levels. The most amazing part is the trick animations, they rock! Especially seeing the tricks link together when you do combos, its amazing! The shadows are done nicely also. There are parts with water puddles on the ground that give off reflections, thats a graphical plus. One bad thing is the frame rate drop sometimes. It drops noticibly, doesn't effect the game at all and picks up to normal speed quickly. Some things are pretty funny, like the guy peeing into the lake in Canada. I do feel that Neversoft could have done a better job with the graphics though, and take full advantage of the Xbox's powers. But they are good none the less.
Audio: Hahahaha! Some of the things the people say are funny. But they do repeat quite often. The wheels on different surfaces make different sounds. And grinding and sliding on different things also has a different sound. The ambient sounds are good too. And the sound of bails sound realistic, I guess. It comes with an ok soundtrack, but It allows you to use your own custom soundtrack, which means a lot to me :) Overall, the sound is great.
Suggestions: Fix the slowdown, spruce up the graphics. I cant wait for THPS4!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls take a little while to get used to. But once I had em down, I couldn't ask for a better control scheme. This game is full of fast paced action that will keep any gamer interested. I really wish that bungie would have included bots for multiplayer though...
Graphics: Whoa! The graphics rock! All the little details that you normally wouldn't notice. The trees, the rocks, the grass, the ice, ect, ect are all textured beautifully. The explosions are great, too. Everything in this game sparkles with absolute visual goodness! There is a little bit of a framerate drop every now and then when there is a lot going on, but it doesn't effect the game at all. I give the visuals a 5.0 without a doubt.
Audio: I'm usually not one to care about the sound in games too much. But I couldn't help but notice it in this game. The sound is great! All the ambient noises help add to the realism. And hearing your marines and the aliens talk is cool, and sometimes quite funny. All the guns sounds great, too. The music heightens at certain times and can give a sort of erie feel to it, its great! The sound in Halo is flat out great. I only wish I had a 5.1 surround sound system to further enjoy it on. 5.0 on sound of course.
Suggestions: Bots to fill in the empty spots in multiplayer, it would have made the game PERFECT!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10