Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
World Series Baseball (Sega)

Gameplay: As I mentioned, gameplay is ultra-realistic. The franchise mode is outstanding, from player development to the budget system to scouts and free agents...I would like to see career stats though...hopefully next year. The different bat settings and pitch settings and cpu levels make it easy to adjust the game exactly the way you want it.
Graphics: The graphics and fielder animations are outstanding...especially the plays some of the 3B have made fielding a ground ball and spinning to throw across to first...or the bare hand plays...or throwing from the knees. The stadium detail as great, but would be nice to have animated and working scoreboards...this is still not enough to drop the score...hopefully they will add that next year. I would also like to see alternate uniforms like ASB.
Audio: The sound is great, but needs some improvement on the announcing...not much, but could use some. The crowd heckers as well as the crowd getting into the game is outstanding not to mention the umpire calls.
Suggestions: Only suggestions would be to add career stats and alternate uniforms. Other nice feature would be to keep track of awards won, all star games voted to, and have a hall-of-fame...similiar to NFL Fever franchise.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10