Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Gameplay: Game control is not the best. The The Bond character is very hard to control and changing weapons seems very inaccurate. The auto aim feature is more frustrating than helpful at times and the driving levels seem very unstructured. It is hard to understand why EA doesnt go back to the original gameplay that made the first Bond game on N64 one of the best firstperson shooters of all time.
Graphics: The visuals are what you would expect from the XBOX but fall well short of the overall potential. This game could have featured much larger levels and more detailed environments. Overall, the graphic are only average and in fact a bit disappointing for the first Bond game on the XBOX
Audio: Once again, the sound appeal is nothing specail. Gunfire effects are very appealing and explosion sounds are realistic. I would have liked to here a bit more Bond type music in the background to set the mood for many of the levels.
Suggestions: Go back to the original formula that made the first N64 Bond game one of the best games of all time!!!!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10