Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 11
Phantom Crash

Gameplay: like i read before, they compare this to mechassault... well i think they are completely different. MA is more about missions, this game is just fast mech destruction all the way to the end. The best of all is that you can customize every weapon, body and legs module of your mech, so you can haver diferent mechs everytime you upgrade the parts.
Graphics: the intro video was really amazin, but afer that the game doesnt use to much the graphic power of d xbox
Audio: these game has some tracks of real jap artists, remember jsrf includin some tracks of real music? well this is the same, but some tracks are kinda weird, but dont worry it is common music among the japs.
Suggestions: The multiplayer option was kinda stupid, i just got to destroy the mech once, make it score or time based.
There are too few levels, why; when i use 4 pads in multiplayer i can only choose 1 level? I think the xbox processor can handle all the levels with all the players.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Like my pal above wrote, run, shoot, run shoot, die, press any trigger button to be respawn, die, run, run, die. Well that happens to the common player, of course I only run, shoot, kill, kill, multikill, run, run, and continue killing
Graphics: Well it got some nice graphics, but guess what, in some maps where there is alot of action the xbox slowdowns a little or it only start jumping frames.. is that the capacity of the xbox??
Audio: I like the taunts, its even better that we got the option to select some languages (mine is spanish) and hear the taunts in the language selected.
Suggestions: These are my suggestions to those lazy port developers...
Better MODS,How about options to select hoy many bots I wanna play withh?
try to make something diferent like Halo did..and of course more MAPS..
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: If you have played any thps you know that the revert mode kick ass, now you can make more insane combos and easier.
Graphics: it looks all the same, except the extra level, the sea and the size of the level is bigger that what i tought it could be.
Audio: well you can select your soundtrack the same in thps2x, the rail and manual sounds are the same, except for some ambient sounds.
Suggestions: well dudes, you are developin thps4, you should better more than 20 levels, more tought challenges, more multiplayer mods and maybe make it for 4 players again (16 system link).
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10