Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Fifa World Cup 2002

Gameplay: this game has really awsome graohics on it.the only thing i dont like about this game is that u cant do a full season leading up to the world cup that come around every 4 years
Graphics: like i sayed before this game has really good graphics on it.i had the fifa 64 game for the n64 it was a terrible game this game blows fifa64 away.the players and fans have a lot of detail on them.the stadiums look really real.
Audio: i like the commentators but they cant get a lil annoying at somepoint.i think the music is a little corny dont u think but other than the music its fine
Suggestions: nope i think this is really good
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: i think the handling is really good compared to some of the n64 games of nascar.they finally put some intrest in the game at least to me.the other racers on the track battle u like crazy.
Graphics: again this game has really awsome graphics to it.if u do a nite race the sun looks really real and it feels like u are there because sometimes the sun hurts ur eyes.
Audio: i like how they have the lady as a crew chief for u in 2player mode.the crew chiefs have the voice like they would in a real life because of the strict voice.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10