Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Aggressive Inline

Gameplay: the gamplay was really good and easy to handle i enjoyed how crisp and smooth it was lik ex box games should
Graphics: the graphichs were great looking like all other x box games ang the graphics is one of the best games out here
Audio: wow the graphic for this game look wickedly awsome i cant wait till this game comes out so i can play it
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: i do not enjoy the gameplay because it is too hard to play you cant control the moves very well and it is hard to do specials
Graphics: the game looks graet and has great graphics and the characters look really realisticand the videos are great
Audio: the game sound is good and is really magnificantsometimes the entrances go up to three minutes long and it is great
Suggestions: make the game easier to control
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10