Average Overall Score Given: 8.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Fifa World Cup 2002

The feeling is better than in any fotballgame I have ever played before.
Gameplay: If you want to play a tournament or practise penalty shots. Just forget it. You can only play the world cup or a friendly match. It really is a bit thin, but the game experience is something extra. The controls are great (when you have gotten used to them).
Graphics: The game is much better looking than any other football game I have seen. Up close some* of the players look very much like the real players do.
(*= Only the star players)
The animations are great. One exeption is the tackeling animations, first the player tackels a player, a second later the tackeled player falls. Every tackel looks to be fake. A little sad if you ask me.
Audio: The music is fitting. The crowd cheers and boo's when they usually do. Everything is as it should be if you ask me.
Suggestions: I would like to have some other modes of play!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

It is kind of hard though. Sometimes you just wont know where to go next...
Gameplay: It is fun to play aslong as you dont get stuck...
If you do, you'll just have to try and try. Eventually you will find a way to proceed.
Some levels are really fast and they often have a time limit. It's fun to play. I really miss being able to strafe and the looking around stick is inverted. I haven't found a way to change that.
Graphics: It looks good. Nothing to complain about. Not exeptionally beautiful though. I don't really know what more to write.
Audio: The menu misic is really good in my taste. The ingame music fits it's purpose, it's very fast and is probably made to make you try to beat the time records. The sfx are not bad ither.
Suggestions: More upgrades, more guns and less where to go feeling. Some of the levels are really odd...
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls felt rather strange when I first tried the game, but after just a little while they started to fell "natural" in a way...
The story is quite OK, could be better.
Graphics: The grafics of the game was much better then I expected. The vehicles are very nice (I like the tank especially).
Audio: The sound is without any complaints. It suits its purpose. I am in no way a sound expert so I wont write very much about it, but it's ok to me.
Suggestions: More manmade weapons...
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

I started to play it and I really fell for it. I've never been a very big fan of fightinggames before.
Gameplay: I grew tired of the game quite soon. Still it is fun to play a couple of times now and then.
Graphics: It is the best looking consolegame I have ever played. The characters move very ("realistic"). Wat´ching the movies was the most exiting part because the movies were really beautiful. I have naver seen anything like it.
Audio: The sound is ok in my taste. I think the music is quite good to. Although I think it should have had music when the press the start button screen is showing.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10