Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 167
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2

Gameplay: All the variety of modes in this game make it worth the purchase alone. There are also a lot of unlockables like tracks, cars, reversed tracks, mirrored tracks and even cop cars. Modes Iclude:
HOT PURSUIT: The 33 unlockable events in this mode are sure to keep you busy. The cops are more aggressive than you can imagine and it makes you learn how to beat em at their own game. There's too many event types for me to list. CHAMPIONSHIP MODE: Also 33 events but without the cops. Mainly a variety of races and circuits with 3 or 4 consecutive races. SINGLE CHALLANGE: (All 1 or 2 players)
In this mode you decide if there's traffic, cops or AI opponents. Different race types incl: Single race, Be the Cop, Knockout, Tournament, and Free Run. As you can see there's enough to keep anyone busy for weeks.
Graphics: The cars models are very nice. WIth all the exotic and luxury cars. Porche, Ferrari, Jaguar, BMW, Benz, Mclarren and my favorite the Lamborghini. Many more top brand names looking better than ever. Reflections are done well and there are no detectable jaggies on your car. There is a little room for improvement in the detail of the backgrounds but the beautiful locations you race in more than make up for it. Smoke, dirt, water....all rendered smoothly as your tires kick it up. Really cool stunt camera when you go over jumps comes into action automatically while you're racing and is a nice touch. Only complaint is no control over replay cameras. Very good graphics overall.
Audio: We know the xbox has soundtrack usage that has almost always been put to use in racing games. Something you don't normally get is soundtracks that appear not only in-game but also in the menus and it's a nice addition. The cop radio transmitions are very welcomed and actually help you.
Suggestions: Need to be able to swith cameras during replays to get some good views of all the cop chase action.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay and depth of this game is the most ambitious we've seen. It's easy to pick up and play for anyone and difficulty can be fine-tuned(as well as many other things).
The new coaches features puts you in control of your teams destiny.
Drafting coaches and scouts based on their skill in different areas and thier cost, effects your team and minor league club immensely.
Graphics: The graphics are bascically jaggy free. Faces and stances are dead on, except for Jeter's and R. Johnson's faces.(what's up with that?) Animations, presentation, cut scenes and pro moves are so sweet it feels like you're watching a real game. It's so cool to see the infield players scoop the ball bare handed and make the thrown outs all in one motion. There's so many moves like that.
Audio: Commentary is not a highlight but it doesn't disappoint either. Sometimes they're right on the money but it can get repetitious after many hours of play. Sound effects and crowds are great and I like when they boo me when my team is away or when we screw up big time at home.
Suggestions: Only thing I could ask for next year is online play with xbox live.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The xbox controller was made to play Halo. The control you have and the ability to customize them is excelent. You feel like you are there and can do whatever you want. I hope they continue to make controls this fluid in the future.
Graphics: There's nothing that could have prepared us for the visuals we would be treated to in Halo. They made this game look absolutely perect. If games on Xbox continue with this high level of resolution, detail, draw distances and battle effects this system will rule all.
Audio: The music is so addictive you'll find yourself humming the theme song. Trust me. Duh-duh-dah, daaaaaah.....
But wait til you're storming the beach fresh off a transporter with a small army of Covenant firing away at you and one of your boys yells "I hope you brought some butter, cause you about to get fried" then ask me about the sounds. It's like that all day baby.
Suggestions: No suggestions, they got it together over there. Thanks for halo.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are typical and easy to jump into. The worst part is the replay when you crash and you are forced to watch a double replay of every little crash every single time you bump something and you can't turn them off. It gets very annoying after the first couple of races.
Graphics: The graphics are the worst of any racing game on the xbox. You can tell this game is a port from PS2 and they didn't beef it up any. The cars have no detail at all. The few you get anyway.
Audio: No complaints here. Crashes sound real at least. You can hear the glass break when your windows smash.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10