Average Overall Score Given: 7.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
State of Emergency

Gameplay: The gameplay is extremely repetative . All you do is run around beating up cops and shooting down civilians. You can also do mini missions in the levels but they arent well balanced
Graphics: I didnt see any improvements from the ps2 version. Xbox is cappable of much more and it was a dissapointment.
Audio: sound was good. The screams of the citizens and the gunshots gave me the feel of the game. Sound was probably the best thing in the game
Suggestions: Take advantage of xboxs power. Also change up some of the gamplay so i can play it for more than a half an hour at a time
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Its a solid BBall game like i said the best of 2003. i have seen some hoorible glitches though. Sometimes a lob pass will shoot outa our hand and it will rocket in the air and not come down for like 5 min. Also their is a post up button wich lets you grapple and fight for position with a defender.when playing on line people just postup on my center when hes checking out and take the ball to the rim. The last glitchcomplaint is RAY ALLEN!!!!!!!!
He is overrated and he does not mis a 3 pointer. When playing on line people use him on every take and he racks up 80 ruins the game.
Graphics: Looks good i have no complaints except por sometimes their arms bend in funny ways and it looks like they broke their arm.
Audio: Great sound not a single complaint. I like the screaming coches in the gives it a good feel.
Suggestions: Get your ratings rite on the players ray allen is overrated and antwain walker is underrated and thats only 2 players. Also get a clock for the start menu so people cant pause the game and leave to get a win.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10