Average Overall Score Given: 9.60000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 83

Gameplay: The gameplay is very fun. Like I said, kind of a cross of basketball with a violent aspect. It is great being able to upgrade your characters and buy new ones. The events between the game just add to the already great fun factor.
Graphics: The graphics are great. The individual guys on your team are different, but not as distinctive as they could be. But I'm not complaining.
Audio: The sound is great. Lots of good effects and cussing. It would be nice if they had included a option to turn off some of the fowl language (though I probably wouldn't use it), just in case you have someone over who would be offended.
Suggestions: XBox Live support!!! This game screams for it. Would have been a great title. If you can get a downloadable patch for it, that would be awesome.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is sweet. Once you get used to it being more realistic than SSX tricky, you can start to pull of some awesome moves. And it is more satisfying than SSX because they are harder to pull off.
Graphics: Great graphics. The snow looks real and the models are nicely done. The terrain is also nicely modeled.
Audio: The sound is nice and crips. Didn't notice anything outstanding but nothing bad either. And I like that they gave you the option for custom tracks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: A lot of different moves that you can do against opponents keep it interesting. One thing that I would have liked would be more interaction with the objects in the world. Like the ability to pick up the candel stick and swing it, or whip out that sword that is depicted on the guys back.
Graphics: Graphics are top notch. The detail is amazing, and the animations are smooth. One thing that could be improved are the facial expressions, which seem pretty static. But everything else is fluid.
Audio: Sound wasn't all that impressive. Almost no voices for the characters, even in the story mode. And the action only accented by grunts and explosions.
Suggestions: More interaction with game world. More special movies to really define characters.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very good overall with a few minor hitches. Start off with the good. First of all, the tracks and cars are very well designed. You can feel the adrenilen going as you race around corners. Different cars respond in different ways. You can feel the heavier cars drag more on the turns as you try to turn their large bodies, while the littler cars are much easier to handel but don't have as much "umph." Some bad. Firstly, it resets you on the track far too quickly sometimes. I would rather just to reset when you wanted to, and never have the XBOX do it. Also, it would have been more fun if you raced for money and then could mod your own car and save up to buy cars, instead of just unlocking more.
Graphics: The graphics are the best that I have seen in any racing game. I love how the environment affects the look of your car. As you race through dust, your car gets dusty. Snow, you get piles of snow and a whiteness. And the damage is also nicely done. I have seen some jaggies on the car a points, but these are minor enough that I still give the graphics a 5.
Audio: The sound is good but not great. I haven't been able to detect enough differences in the engine noise that I would have liked. But overall they did a pretty nice job on the sound.
Suggestions: Money instead of points. Have a garage where you could mod your car, buy more cars, and maybe even paint your own car.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is very well designed. There is enough mix of weapons to keep it interesting, and they are balanced resonably well. A complaint is that the jumping of your character feels more like you are floating than actual jumping, but this is no more than a minor annoyance. The vehicals are very well done and are implimented in a sound manner.
One thing that really keeps me from giving it a perfect five is the sequence where you are fighting the flood for what seems like forever. It gets repetitive. I would have liked a change of scenery at least. I understand that this is given in order for you to get used to fighting the flood, but the length is far to long.
Graphics: Graphics are unsurpassed. The beauty of this game is something I hope can be repeated for further XBOX releases. I particularly love how the engine can handel events that aren't supposed to happen. Everyone seen the "Halo-Jump Project" video? If you haven't go download it now. Not only is it hilarious, but it really shows off the power and beauty of the Halo engine. It shoots the warthog way up above the island, and you can see the whole thing. Not detail is lost, and no slowdown occurs.
Audio: The sound is also very well done. In particular you can notice this in large battles. You can hear your fellow soliders fiering and yelling all around you. The voice that is given to the fighting really lends to making it feel real. Soldiers yell out commands and painfull cries, as well as watchfull reminders such as "Grenade!" Bungie really put some time and effort into the sound production.
Suggestions: Less repetiveness for some areas. More vehicals would be cool.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10