Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Overall: All I can say is boring boring boring. This game really looked like it was going to be a classic Xbox adventure game. Turns out it's a flop. Sorry guys, this one's got to go!
Gameplay: The 3D realms were done well (I'll give them that) and many different opponents to face was great. However, everything else? poor poor poor. Some points I just found myself sitting and saying WHAT? or WHERE!? and just getting frusterated. Now I'm not one of these ppl who can sit at a video game for 3 hrs w/o enjoying the 3hrs. Sorry Azurik you were the fall of Perathia!
Graphics: As said before, the graphics were well done. A rough edges, however, overall a nice touch on the backgrounds and especially on the characters in the story. As well, the weapons were crafted well as one of the premiere items in the game.
Nice Job!
Audio: The sound of peaceful..over and over and OVER AGAIN! Has ANYONE noticed the constant repeating of the 'not so serenity' music just adds to the frustration of this game. I bought it and was so disappointed, however, the ppl at the store must have been happy cuz they found a sucker to buy this game. At least I may get half the value on the trade in.
Suggestions: Where do I begin? I don't. Don't even think about making another game like this before actually looking at reviews!
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10 Dead or Alive 3
Overall: This game is the ice breaker of fighting games. I've never seen a fighting game do what DOA3 has created. The 3D graphics with the power of "the box" behind it, are unstopable together. I played this game non-stop when I got it. Fast Action and some real cool moves to try and master kept me interested
Gameplay: I love the 3D realms and the little finishing touches of each setting (ie the icicles, the cliff etc) Great! I loved it! The different storylines with movies, the survival modes, the timed gameplay, all together, a masterful performance BRAVO!
Graphics: I've never seen anything like it before. Characters were so smooth and chiseled with features which made the game real. If you don't have this game, buy it for this reason, the VISUAL APPEAL
Audio: Now that I think about it, the sound weren't all that great. Everything is in japanese and writing in subscripts below. I like the whole 'Japanese fighting style bit' however the subscripts have to go..I'm sure they could speak a little english. Eh? As for gameplay music, I didn't really notice it, which I can give a fair bit of credit to the visual effects becuz I wasn't really paying any attention to the music (which means it couldn't have been that bad lol)
Suggestions: Have more extras in the game. Unlock secret characters. People love games they can stay busy with for many months without growing tired.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
Overall: This game felt like it was going somewhere and it hit a dead end wall. Although it had graphics wwhich ere semi-good, scary music, and a whole buncha stuff to shoot, it wasn't very much different from the first version. The monsters were, in my opinion, very poorly done and the gameplay stay relatively the same as the first version.
Gameplay: How can I be excited about a game which was exactly the same as its predecessor? I couldn't. It was awful as I sat playing the game wondering didn't I just do this last time I played? The gameplay of the original was good for a first, but they should have at least attempted something more original. Cmon guys
Graphics: For the most part, visual appeal was grand. Backgrounds were more detailed as were the characters. The fog and dim lights added to the extremely cool atmosphere of the entire game. However, I was disappointed with the monsters. They looked like just blobs of wutever...almost like they were made at the last minute. All in all visuals helped at to the atmosphere of, what IS, Silent Hill.
Audio: The sound, of course, was the most impressive factor of this game. It really makes you sweat in some parts where others it can just plain scare you. Without the sound, this game wouldn't be half as good. Even tho at times it can seem a little disturbing, hey, you get what you paid for! Nice job guyz
Suggestions: Guys!! Wake up! People don't want to play the same game over and over again. Lets get a little more original with our storyline and gameplay, spruce up the graphics of the characters and maybe add a few more touches to make it look professional this time? that would be great. Thanks
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10