Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: this is game is extremely fun to play! and the controls arent bad at all (in my mind). they barely took me anytime at all to get down completey. less than an hour id say, and once ur done that part, its so much fun!!! awesome for gameplay!
Graphics: i think the graphics in GUNVALKYRIE are pretty impressive. they arent halo or RSC stature, but they are still really good.
Audio: the sound in the game is pretty good. its all typical of your alien blasting sci-fi game. but the guns do sound really good.
Suggestions: multiplayer would be great. something like a battle arena. or co-op mode would be awesome as well, two GV suits against all the aliens, i think that would be awesome.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10