Average Overall Score Given: 9.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 23
Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Gameplay: The game play is wondrous. The controls are really easy to get used to. The more you progress though the games the more special moves you have access to. There are puzzles in the game but just move this block here like in Soul Reaver. My favorite aspect of the game is that you play as Kain and Raziel. The controls for each are the same but they have different moves and abilities. The camera system is hard to get used to and can be difficult at times.
Graphics: Visually the game is great. The characters are very detailed. The environment is very detailed and has the dark environment as in the previous games. The most surprising aspect is the spectral realms. It is very eerie with the colors and the twisted surroundings.
Audio: The sound matches the environment, very dark and suites are well. The one part that I can not get used to is the sounds in the spectral realm; it is pretty freaky but helps to envelope you into that aspect of the game.
Suggestions: The camera system my need a little work, maybe have a way to adjust it manually dung game play. Also being able to use the TK ability while in first person mode.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10